Sunday, July 15, 2012

An update of sorts

Once again  I have stayed true to my once every few months blog post! We have been busy living life over here at the McKenzie household. So here a few updates broken down by family member.

Daniel is ten and half months old and ALL OVER the place. He is crawling everywhere and pulls up to everything. His favorite places to crawl is into any bathroom to dump the trashcan or to Taco's (our cat) food because he thinks it taste pretty yummy :) He has started eating some real food but still mostly just has baby food and milk. He is taking two sometimes three naps a day and goes down for the night between 7-8 and sleeps most mornings until 6:30-7:30. He is a very content baby and has his daddy's laid back personality. I would say the on thing that defines him right now is he is BUSY. A few of his recent tricks are to wave hi and when asked how big someone loves him he puts one hand in the air as we say "so big" and then he just grins as we clap! 

Emma Kate:
Emma is such a great big sister. She is so helpful and takes great delight in her little brother. She has had a big summer that started off with her first ever dance recital. She had 12 people come to her recital (8 from out of town) and she was the princess of the ball! She received 6 different bouquets of flowers and a trophy. She was so proud of herself  and did a great job. From the recital her and her brother went to MiMi and Paws for a week and Jeff and I had a great week that included date nights and waking up on our own time instead of one of our children's timetables! She also attended a few different camps. Some of them include:
Princess and Fairy Camp at Sweet and Sassy, Day camp at her old school,Girls Just Want to Have Fun Camp at Adventure Kids and hanging out with our babysitter two days a week. She stays busy making up songs, dancing her heart out, creating new crafts, playing barbies, swimming, and watching movies. As much as Daniel has his daddy's personality Emma Kate is definitely my child.

Jeff and Lori:
Jeff has had a very busy summer at work. His company won a big bid and they have spent the summer implementing it with the client. He also attended beach camp with his small group guys from NPCC that are going into the 10th grade. We have had a few visitors from Alabaster visit us this summer and we went to Alabaster once to see a group of our old students to perform in a concert. I turned a year older (32), have made a trip to Dallas for work,  and started consistently working out and love it! The only other big things we have going on this summer is  one more week when both of our kids are going to be gone again this time spending time with my mom and sister. We have already made our date plans! And last but not least we celebrate 10 years of marriage on Aug. 17th!!

I can not imagine doing life with anyone else and so glad that we get to have all of our adventures together!

Our summer is quickly coming to an end and in less than a month we will have a Kindergartner on our hands.

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