This post is only 6 weeks past due but I have a new man in my life that is keeping me very busy! On Wednesday Aug. 31st at noon on the dot weighing 7lbs and 1 oz Daniel Edward McKenzie entered into our world. He has been a complete joy and very laid back just like his daddy. On Tuesday Aug. 30th I was on my way to work and started having pretty hard and active contractions. I decided to go ahead and go in so I could check off my to do list because I knew if it was indeed time that I would not be back in the office for 13 weeks. I timed my contractions all day and left work around 4:30. I had talked to my mom earlier that day and she decided to go ahead and come to Atlanta because she was pretty sure that I was going to be going to the hospital and indeed she was right!
At 3:00 in the morning I woke Jeff up and told him it was time to call the doctor. I spoke to the midwife and she told me to go ahead and come in to get the party started! We went upstairs to tell my mom and Emma Kate woke up and was SO EXCITED! We prayed together for the safety of mommy and baby Daniel and headed to Northside. We got to the hospital and settled around 4:00 and I received my epidural around 8:00. Once I got the good stuff Jeff and I just hung out and tried to rest. My mom took Emma to school and then headed to the hospital. She said Emma Kate was so excited and told EVERYBODY she saw that her baby brother was coming today.
At around 10:00 I started feeling some tingling during my contractions and it did not take long for the "tingling" to turn into full blown pain. They gave me more meds (PRAISE THE LORD!) and checked me again around 11:30. When she went to check me she said "Oh my....I see a head full of black hair. I think you are only going to have to push one time." Those words were music were to my ears and she was right....I pushed ONE TIME and Daniel Edward McKenzie joined our world.
For the last 6 weeks we have fallen more and more in love with the new addition in our family. Daniel has his daddy's laid back personality and is spoiled rotten. He nurses around every 3 hours during the day and has started to sleep 5-6 hour stretches at night. He wakes up between 3:45-5:00 for his middle of the night feeding. I know that those middle of the night feeding do not last forever but it sure feels like right now!!
When we went for Daniel's 4 week check up he weighed 10 lbs! The doctor said he was perfect and he is in the 50% of weight and height. I am so thankful to have a healthy baby boy.
Emma Kate is a great big sister. She LOVES "baby Daniel". She has to come into our room every morning and give him hugs and kisses before she leaves for school. She also reassures him that she will be back soon. When we pick her up she says " Oh baby Daniel you are so glad to see your sister aren't you? Did you cry for me baby Daniel? Were you so sad that sister was not with you today? "
Jeff is a great daddy and I love watching him take care of our children. They have no idea how lucky they are to have daddy who loves them, plays with them, and loves their mommy. Jeff is the perfect balance to our family.
I am praying Daniel 2:14 "Daniel spoke with wisdom and tact." over my sweet little man and can't wait to see what God has in store for him.